Περιγραφή θέματος

  • Specialisation for VET Teachers

  • Module 1: Taking the Initiative

    TITLE Taking the Initiative
    TARGET GROUP VET Teachers /Staff, VET Learners, VET Providers
    DURATION 105 minutes
    • Initiative
    • taking the initiative
    • proactive
    • self-management skills
    • soft skills
    • communication
    • critical thinking
    • opportunity
    • speaking up
    • thinking out of the box
    • self-confidence
    LANGUAGE English
    • Being aware of the main aspects of taking the initiative
    • Becoming aware about the importance how to develop proactive attitude
    • Gaining knowledge of achievements and dangerousness of taking the initiative
    • Being able to make self-assessment in the field of taking the initiative
    CONTENTS IN BRIEF Nowadays it is crucial to develop soft skills, including management skills in the labour market. One of the more important skill is taking the initiative. For the learner it is important to know the main aspects of how to become a person with initiative. We offer many practical tips, for instance how to deal with the lack of taking the initiative and what are the consequences of being too proactive person.
    • Initiative: being able to work without always being told what to do
    • Taking the initiative: it does mean taking action
    • Self-management skills: the abilities that allow people to control their thoughts, feelings and actions
    • Proactivity: the act of intentionally looking for ways to change one’s environment, rather than waiting to be forced to act
    BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER REFERENCES Campbell, D.J. (2000) 'The Proactive Employee,' The Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 14, No 3. (Available here.).
    Frese, M. et al (1997) 'The Concept of Personal Initiative: Operationalization, Reliability, and Validity in Two German Samples,' Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, No 70.
    Frese, M. and Fay, D. (2001) 'Personal Initiative: An Active Performance Concept for Work in the 21st Century,' Research in Organization Behavior, Vol. 23.
    RELATED MATERIAL AND REFERENCE LINK (I.E. YOUTUBE VIDEOS) https://www.betterup.com/blog/taking-initiative
    RELATED PPT Taking the Initiative
  • Module 2: Motivation and Persistence

    TITLE Motivation and Persistence
    TARGET GROUP VET Teachers /Staff, VET Learners, VET Providers
    DURATION 105 minutes
    • Motivation
    • persistence
    • proactive
    • determination
    • drive
    • goals
    • success
    • failure
    • perseverance
    • Inspiration
    • sense
    LANGUAGE English
    • Being aware of the main aspects of motivation and persistence.
    • Becoming aware about the importance how to maintain motivation.
    • Gaining knowledge of dangerousness of ignoring and destroying human efforts.
    • Being able to make self-assessment in the field of maintain motivation.
    CONTENTS IN BRIEF It is crucial to stay motivated. The quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people is a key to success. We offer many practical tips of how to stay persistent and not give up when we feel we are losing motivation.
    • Motivation: the driving force behind human actions; it is willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or reward.
    • Persistence: the quality of continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties.
    BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER REFERENCES Ariely D., Payoff. The hidden logic that shapes our motivations, New York 2016.
    Brzeziński M., Głaskologia. Faktyczne reguły motywowania i rozumienia motywacji, Warsaw 2013.
    Cherry K. Motivation: The Driving Force Behind Our Actions. Very Well Mind. 24, July, 2023.
    Drew C. 23 Best Persistence Examples. Helpful Professor. 24, July, 2023.

    Persistence. The Britannica Dictionary. 25, July, 2023.
    Rheinberg F., Vollmeyer R. Does motivation affect performance via persistence? Science Direct. 25, July, 2023.
    Sobczak. I. Zanim osiągnęli sukces, wiele razy usłyszeli "nie„. 25, July, 2023.
    Suny Schenectady County Community College. Tips for Motivation and Persistence. 26, July, 2023.
    RELATED PPT Motivation and Persistence
  • Module 3: Valuing Ideas

    TITLE Valuing Ideas
    • Value
    • Feasibility, Relevance and Market Potential
    • Value Proposition Canvas
    • Customer Profile and Value Map
    LANGUAGE English
    • By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
    • LOut1: to set criteria on what idea is valuable in certain contexts
    • LOut2: to categorize problems and benefits in a way which creates a plan for valuable idea creation
    • LOut3: To combine knowledge and departments in ways which improve ideas from a holistic point of view
    CONTENTS IN BRIEF The "Valuing Ideas" module for VET (Vocational Education and Training) teachers focuses on developing the skills necessary to identify and nurture valuable ideas in a variety of contexts. The course explores the concept of value and its different forms, including financial, logical, moral, social, and aesthetic aspects. Participants learn how to set criteria for evaluating the quality of ideas, categorize problems and benefits, and enhance ideas holistically. The course delves into the importance of feasibility, relevance, and market potential in idea evaluation, emphasizing the need for ideas to align with company values and customer preferences. Participants also explore the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool to understand and communicate the value offered to customers. By combining knowledge and departments, participants gain insights into generating valuable ideas that address customer needs effectively.
    • Value Proposition Canvas: A visual framework developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur to help entrepreneurs understand the value they offer to their customers. The canvas consists of two parts: the Customer Profile and the Value Map.
    • Customer Profile: The circular part of the Value Proposition Canvas that describes the target customer segment, including their jobs-to-be-done, pains, and gains. Pains refer to negative experiences, emotions, and risks that customers may face, while gains represent positive experiences and benefits they seek. Pains and gains can be functional, social, or emotional.
    • Value Map: The square part of the Value Proposition Canvas that shows the key value propositions a business can offer to address customer needs. The values can be tangible, such as extra product features, or intangible, like convenience provided by automation. Pain relievers are elements that alleviate customer pains, while gain creators generate new benefits for customers. The value map aligns with the customer profile to categorize each element appropriately and determine the perceived value of ideas.
    • Feasibility: A criterion for evaluating the success of an idea, which assesses its achievability. It considers factors such as resource availability for research and development, customer acquisition costs, marketing investments, regulations, barriers to entry, and geographic constraints.
    • Relevance: A criterion for determining the suitability of an idea, which ensures alignment with the values represented by the company and the target customer segment. It involves studying market trends, understanding customer preferences, and considering factors beyond pure profit generation, such as sustainability and social impact.
    • Market Potential: An evaluation of the profit-generating capacity of an idea over a specific period. It is a measure that investors often consider when assessing the value of a business idea. Market potential reflects the ability of a product or service to capture a significant share of the market or provide a unique offering.
    BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER REFERENCES Graham P. (2008) ‘Hackers and Painters’, O’Reilly Media, p. 85-87
    Damoradan A. (2011) ‘The Little Book of Valuation’, USA: New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, p. 4
    Dever Debble (2022) ‘5 Steps to Determine your Market Potential’ University of Mary Washington, available at: economicdevelopment.umw.edu
    Fiske B. (2022) ‘The value of reimagining your business as a service’, Fast Company, available at: fastcompany.com
    Strategyzer (n.d.) ‘The Value Proposition Canvas’, available at: strategyzer.com
    The Decision Lab (n.d.) ‘Why do we have a harder time choosing when we have more options?’, available at: thedecisionlab.com
    Turner F. (1990), ‘The Meaning of Value: An Economics of the Future’ New Literary History, Vol. 21, No. 3, New Historicisms, New Histories, and Others (Spring, 1990), pp. 747-762 (16 pages) doi.org
    RELATED PPT Valuing Ideas
  • Module 4: Vision

    TITLE Vision
    • Vision
    • Core ideology and envisioned future
    • Visionary Leadership
    • Communication
    LANGUAGE English
    • By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
    • LOut1: To understand the essence of vision and how it is different from values and mission
    • LOut2: To understand the importance of vision and how it can be communicated through visionary leadership
    • LOut3: To be able to critically assess how employees are compatible to your company depending on their skill and vision
    CONTENTS IN BRIEF The "Vision" module for VET (Vocational Education and Training) teachers explores the essence and significance of vision in the business context. Participants gain an understanding of how vision differs from values and mission, and learn to communicate and enforce vision through visionary leadership. The course emphasizes the importance of aligning employees' skills and vision with the company's core ideology and future aspirations. Participants discover strategies for effectively communicating vision, linking it to performance management, and fostering teamwork. Through self-reflection activities, participants gain insights into the role of vision in hiring decisions and the advantages of aligning vision with skills. Overall, the course equips VET teachers with the knowledge and tools to develop and communicate a compelling vision that drives organizational success.
    • Vision: A future-oriented statement that expresses where a company sees itself, its aspirations, and its purpose. Vision defines the desired state and serves as a guiding image for the organization's future development. It is interconnected with values and mission, aligning the company's core ideology with its envisioned future.
    • Core Ideology: The unchanged character of an organization that embodies its values and purpose. It includes core values and core purpose, which is synonymous with mission. Core ideology remains constant, even as the organization expands or experiences geographical growth.
    • Envisioned Future: The future plan of a company that is based on its core ideology. It represents the company's ambitious yet achievable goals and outlines the desired future state. Envisioned future guides decision-making and strategy implementation.
    • Visionary Leadership: Leadership that drives and communicates the vision to employees and stakeholders. Visionary leaders inspire trust and motivate individuals by aligning actions with the company's vision and values. They communicate the vision through various channels, involve employees in discussions, link vision to performance management, and provide relevant training.
    • Collins J., Porras J. (2002) 'Built to Last: Successful habits of visionary companies', Collins Business Essentials, pp. 309-324
    • Dhammika K. A. S. (2016). 'Visionary Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)', Wayamba Journal of Management, 4 (1), 1-10
    • Dilts R. (1996) 'Visionary Leadership Skills', USA: Meta Publications, p. 24
    • DuBrin, A. J. (1998). Leadership: research findings, practice, and skills. Boston-Toronto: Houghton Mifflin Company.
    • Graham P. (2008) ‘Hackers and Painters’, O’Reilly Media, p. 85-87
    • Kirkpatrick S. A. (2004). 'Visionary leadership theory: encyclopedia of leadership', New York: SAGE publication
    • University of Minnesota (2010), ‘Principles of Management’, available at: 4.3 The Roles of Mission, Vision, and Values – Principles of Management (umn.edu)
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